Writing Competitions for Kids
While everything else has been shut down, writing competitions continue in full force. Hopefully your writing has too. Here are some of the upcoming competitions for young writers. The first two competitions listed close on May 31st, so you’d better get in quick.
Better Read Kids Writing Competition
Short stories 1000 words or less.
Closes 31 May.
For writers aged 6-12 years.
Free entry
Future Leaders Writing Prize
Fiction or non-fiction. 800-1000 words. Any topic.
Closes 31 May.
For writers in Year 11 and 12.
Free entry.

The Literary Competition
Poetry, short story and non-fiction prose categories.
Closes June 19.
For writers in Year 5-7 who attend school in Queensland or are enrolled in an independent school in the Northern Territory.
Dorothy MacKeller Poetry Award
Poetry. Optional theme: We used to live there.
Closes June 30.
Poems must be 80 words of less. Limit of 3 poems.
For Australian school students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Check the different categories before entering. There are also categories for students with English as their second language and those enrolled in assisted learning programs.
The entry fee depends on whether you are entering through your school as an individual.

Wells Festival of Literature Young Poets Competition
A UK based poetry competition.
Closes June 30
For writers aged 16-22.
Word count: 35 lines or less.
Entry fee £3
Ledbury Poetry Festival
Poetry. 40 lines or less.
Closes 16 June.
Young People Category for those aged 12-17.
Children’s Category for those 11 years and under.
Entry is free for the first poem entered.