Upcoming Writing Competitions – January 2020
It’s competition time! Dust off those short stories, young adult manuscripts and pint sized poems and enter them in one of these great competitions. Check the competition websites for more details on how to enter.

Upcoming Competitions for Children who are Writers:
Tenterfield’s Oracles of the Bush
Closes 14 March
Age: Lower primary, upper primary and secondary students.
Entry fee: Free
The Sheila Malady Short Story Competition
Closes 25 March
Short story under 2,000 words.
Age: under 18s
Entry fee: $5

Upcoming Competitions for adults who write for children:
Text Prize
Closes 7 February
Story for children or young adults.
Fiction or non-fiction
20,000 – 100,000 words
Entry fee: $25
Black & write! Writing Fellowships
Closes 28 February
Open to writers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent.
Children’s book and Young Adult fiction categories.
Entry fee: Free
FAW Tasmania Nairda Lyne Award
Closes 31 March
Short story for 8-12 year olds
Word count: 1,000 words or less
Entry fee: $5